Terms,conditions and monopoly
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Terms,conditions and monopoly

  • porficieswithtruth.blogspot.cQqs1omPolicies and guidelines,terms and conditions are always formulated, implemented and evaluated always in favour of firms or ornanizations
. Be causeZ tool level firms and organizations has no arch À in front of them.So those top levels organizations try to elove which kind of policies, terms and conditions that all others persons, related authorities and firms accept all those hasrh and irrevalant policies, terms and conditions. Although when ponoplistc think these terms, conditions and situations are still favourable and realistic to the world environment they again try to change the terms, conditions and regularities weather those are favour are not favourable for audience of the world. Those accept only bleave and think only their policies, terms and conditions are suitable for mapping the world situation. Yes because there are no such competition authority in the world.
Please please pause only for some interval and think about the world largest internet search engine "Google" about its monopoly. Think about google terms, conditions and also about time to time change inmonoplistic construction. All those are so harsh and unfavourable that some bodies denay but all in vain. Why????.
Once again think about,about the sex and sexual contents policies on Google. One of google subsedery " YouTube "is full of porn videos and nude materials but Google policy is one side policy such as if some Asian,especially Pakistani like me put some sexualized material on YouTube and YouTube related authorities flagup the material such as videos and issues notice to the you tuber but once again think about those countries where such material is OK and realistic.Yes there is no accntability for those you tuber. Yes this is worse monopoly of Google in this world of " globule village".
Please think about another side of Google about "website policies" ifyou deny my these humbly claims, at this time search some porn videos or pornographic contents those all will be in front of you at once when you Will click on search. But in my country these and all others related contents are forbidden in
My country in Pakistan. Yes,OK.May be our government baned such kind of porn material in Pakistan. Because our new generation is wasting time and inner abilities while utilising shink kind of porn material in my country Pakistan.yes this is very excellent sign for next generation of Pakistani peoples.
Please now change the word turning and once agane think about the"bloggers, website and some social contents on Google search contents. Some one come across many kind of pornographic contents but accordance with google contents policies such kind of contents are against the terms, conditions and policies of google.May be Google policies are different for different countries of the world. Yes in some countries some kind of porn contents are fair and regular but there are some countries where Google sexual and pornographic contents are forbidden. As is in my country Pakistan. These are dual policies are for world by the world famous search engine google.
Although there are many others searching engine in the marketing world of internet such as Yahoo, Yandex and operamany,but all those search engine are not so common in this word and not so such famous in this world. An other world famous engine is "bing" very use able in Asia especially in Pakistan. As I always search many kind of content for bing. Although bing speed is very slow in Pakistan but very famous in Pakistan other than Google search engine.
Like me,as all others unemployment educated people think write some quality content on blogger and in this ways earn some money by putting some "Google AdSense adds" on these quality contents but unfortunately Google AdSense ads policies are so strict and very harsh only some very luck and fortune person can successful in earning money from goggle AdSense ads.Furthermore time periods for improving the website is cumbersome time period. Yes six month to more than one year with many kind of restrictions such,low contents qulairy,not qualify the Google policies future,not match with with our guidelines and not suitable for for reader satifectiona. Now and other kind of situation appear from Google "Review, Review and about contents policy". Here time period require is many years but some time time period is longer as longer as long as longer of the life of contents writer.
Now a days some new hearing for Google and Google AdSense tuo ads" that some policies are releases and reflexes for contents writers. Still I not study these content's policies and new regularities but I think these all will be harsh and stubborna than those before. But I think all these contents policies, terms and conditions are varies from country to country but I think for Asian countries strict and harsh policies are only for there countries.
After this I try my best to gain some kind of money making benefits by signing the blogger and Google AdSense.So I drop my self in blog writing and I spend more than six month while writing some suitable and quality contents on my blog postal. But when after some I applied for Google ads séance but that was all in beneficial because my blogger post was not comply with contents policies of google AdSense. So I try try again and continue my struggle for writing quality contents on my blogger posts. On my blogger spot write seventy six posts.After some days I again apply for Google AdSense for making money by puting some suitable ads on my quality contents. But Google again deny to accept my blogger posts for Google AdSense ads.And for worded my unacceptable reasons such there are some asexual contents in your blogs poats.Further more there are some grammatical errors in these blogger posts contents. So remove these unacceptable asexual contents and again apply for the ads of Google AdSense. As a greedy person I try to remove those asexual contents. Please remember there was only two words was related with some sentence, otherwise there was no such kind of forbidden materials. In short in this long decade I was totally and fully unable to earn some money for my quality contents as I write on blogger as my famous posts.
Now I change my focus and strategy about Google policies, always remember policies are created, formulated and evoluted in favor of company or firm weather these are services or manufacturing industrial empire. As Google is service industry so its effects on the entire world is monopolistic. Although there are some others search engines such as bing,yahoo,yande and operameny+ucbrouser but all those are not so advance as compares with world famous engine Google. So Google management is truly responsible for for all these terms, conditions and policies. Although all these terms, conditions and policies are not fully favourable for common people especially for those people who are try to write quality contents on blogger on Google CMS. Why because there are some restrictions from those restrictions are creating difficulties, problems and shortcoming for new contents writers. Became terms, conditions and policies are created in favor of Google so world famous search engine Google monopolistic policies continues for log time period. And yes in this way Google shall continues monopolistic policies, terms and conditions. Because there is no competitions monopoly in this world.Remember other search engine like bing,yahoo,ucbrowser and yandex are still not so advance as compare with Google. Because on Google there is every kind and every type of quality contents.
Once again think about the change asvare introduced in googol searching console, yes some new contents writers are unfamiliar with then and these improper changes has negative impact on web pages quality. Sometimes robots text stop these pages sometimes others rectors stop some important contents. Yes this is worse conditions of monopolistic situations. It maen Google is all in all in in this kind of monopolistic ruling.
And this is a reality and no body can Deny from such irregularities. But every body who use Google through any way can claim, " Google is king "of all kinds of content. But when some body especially contents writers think about terms, conditions and for about worse policies of Google regularities one again condemns those policies because in some countries of the world contents duration must be more then sex month or some moth older for review purposes but when review is done with some special spiders of Google boots,if only word come across as relayed to porn type or sexual material then whole of web pages stop and many hidden term, conditions and policies are impsedon that web pages or regular contents.Why.  There is no regular asexual materials or asexual contents on Google or Google subsedery YouTube. What this dual policy for some countries of the world. Remember policies must be /should me similar for all nations of the world.In these days people of the world think all benefit are gaining only India others then others countries of the world because  present of the Google belong to India and all kinds of web contents are appealing of Google is from Indian writers became present president of google has harmless for Indian peoples as compare with others people of the world.Some expert and wise people of the world also claims that for China and Pakistan there are more than sex month for revising as website but for Indian people only and only and only some days are requires to review and improve any kind of web site of web page content because Indian people favour only Indian people. But if on other end if some chani or Pakistani people write higher quality contents on CMS of blogger some kind of excellent material and meaningful+purposefully on blogger first review can/will deny this contents under the retraction of terms, conditions and policies.porficieswithtruth.blogspot.com.
Three and half year before I was employment. I search for my suitable job here and there but that all was in vain, it mean I Connor succeeded in getting suitable and good job somewhere. At that time I was much disappointed and in this way poverty covered me from six side to me.Heap amount of loan of bank was an other burdon on my head.Every day bank officers was all arrouns me for receiving bank loan amount with much compound interest.
In such situations some of my best colleges and honourable friends suggest me start writing blogger posts on Google free CMS.but my all colleges and friends strictly informed me about Google terms, conditions and Google policies and they also inform me there Google terms, conditions and policies changes time to time and it is first and foremost duty of content writers to comply these terms, conditions and policies.
Although my colleges and my fast friends totally and fully guided me about bloggers posts writing methodology on free Google CMS. But they all informed me not stuff your blog posts with keywords, although in those days I was unfamiliar within the used of keyword. Their much stress was not write about porn material,Porto graphic contents these are prohibited on Google maps and on Google grounds. I think in those days much material on google contents was full of pornographic contents. Clearly this same is true in these day.Not so for from only open YouTube and search and kind of sex material, even animal sex videos are available on you tube.Donkey sex videos,horse and donkey videos are common contents freely available for watching and for time passing entertainment. Although YouTube is is very informative for knowledge and for learning some new things because every kinds of knowledgeable contents are available there,especially for students and researchers can get complete add for these rich informatics materials.
Yes after accepting to the challenge and strict guidelines I started my own blog with special Harding "Always drive with care" and my famous blog address was" bashir73i.blogspot.com.So after this I started writing different quality contents posts on my blogger. And after some time it time come my blogger posts increase till the numbers of seventy sex. Because now my posts was suitable for connecting with Google AdSense. So I tried to connect with Google AdSense. This was my first and foremost success because my connect with googol AdSense. But my next worry was putting AdSense ads on my precious contents. I try again and again to insert Google AdSense auto ads code on my blogger themes HTML. Here first problem was where to insert googol AdSense auto ads cods in the themes of blogger HTML.I tried to search from Google search. I was much astonished to observed that everyone expert ex.blogger write where to insert Google auto ads code.Even some ex.blogger claim that first converts this Google AdSense autoads code in to XML code because this converted code can fully customised with blogger original language. So l search HTML converted bolx and converts my Google AdSense  auto ads code in to XML code then I inserts in blogger theams HTML. But still no Google AdSense ads appeared on my quality contents.
These guidelines are written for those who wish to earn some money from blogger by writing some excellent quality of contents. But always remember you can fail if you not comply all terms, conditions and policies of blogger and AdSense. So please if someone wish to enter in this field first and foremost thoroughly study the guidelines about blogger and others contents management system fields. Otherwise like me every time Google deny to accept your quality contents due to incompetent and low quality contents.
Here again I want to criticize the Google terms, conditions and policies because there are a very clear option of punting Google AdSense auto ads in the "layout" section but maybe that option is not acceptable for Google AdSense and that option is only as a formality. And not for Google AdSense auto ads.
May be there are different terms, conditions and policies of Google for different countries of the world. May be advance countries of the world can enjoy More than poor and low advance countries of the world because different Google AdSense money marking reports indicate that in some countries of the world are making money through porn videos and low quality contents. I think it is worse monopoly of Google. May be Google top level authorities think higher quality contents are created by only advance countries people but it is wrong and very wrong because in some countries people create very high quality contents that can Chang the whole lives of the people of the world.
Please my sweet readers once again think about my blogger posts and study some posts at " bashir73i.blogspot.com " and make own decision and make suggestion why my blog posts are not suitable for Google auto AdSense code.dear reader always remember "readers and contents analyst" are Best judges and oponist,who can batter know contents quality and contents behavior for the audience of the worldwide.
Furthermore I want to write only some suitable guidelines for new blogger who wish and want to enter in this field of "making money by writing quality and excellent contents" on blogger and want to use blogspot as living for life.here I think it is impossible because Google has only world worst monopolistic term, conditions and policies and all those are in the favour of only and only Google AdSense himself. Please again think someone can challenge those Google AdSense policies any where in this world, here answer may be Yes.why ????
Here writing about critical word about Google and Google AdSense, yes mean and goal is not to request  to quality contents writers not to write for Google pages but after writing very highest quality contents forget the first and foremost aim of making money from Google AdSense. Because when quality writing contents increase Google will try to strict the policies, terms and conditions accordance with in front facing situations.
These critical lines are not for those who insert ads on google pages in this way destroy money and no body want to destroy money on purples scoring so be wise while insetting ads on quality contents. SEO is an other term use many internet markets but Google again angin put some restrictions on seo.Google time to time introduce new boots and spiders to controls the traffic on very high contents.
So again I com across to my own blog posts at "bashir73i.blogspot.com" here on this my blogger contents all posts are suitable for goggle AdSense but at every review process Google team reject my contents due to low quality and incomplete contents quality. But still I can not undetected and understand about Google AdSense advertising standard. May be I belongs to Pakistan and Pakistani website require time period more than sex month or some more decades wish Google AdSense teams member.


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