How it is possible, one must think and brainstorm very wrong things for others,but for himself or herself prey from God for right path and easiest way of spending life. Yes it is impossible.
One put stones on others ways to drop them on ground remember one day his or her feet can became ugly because of these stones. So please not through edges stones on others ways.
Always think good and through batter brainstorming for others peoples,because others peoples are creatures created by kind God. Forgive someone who try to harm you or in passed harmed you by some way.
Remember all people have not same type of chemistry, same kinds of feeling and thinking,same kinds of likes and dislikes,and same kinds of thinking, Yes there are much difference in feeling, thinking and brainstorming of people. Always try to respect about the feeling and thinking of others people. If you are observing some negative charges in someone, then please try to remove those negative habits from those and always try to free and clean them from those wrong habits.
Think other people will accept your positive views?
Don't tell lies to others in your life. If you are still child think about your future life day ,how one can spend positive life days,but if you are above than a child age then think and observe your society where you are living, how people are marking their lives successful and peaceful. What are the cause why people quarrels with themselves? The points and those points from where enmities appears and why ,where real lovoLovelacee is standing?
All human being came/come in to existences only and only for love,peace and for helping others. Who are others, and who are themselves?
Is there are duties and rights for others? And of what kind? And how one can perform those duties and responsibilities?
Is human life circulate around eat,drink and be marry? No!
There is a purpose of life but what?
One can make his or her life much easier but through what way? Yes with positive and with brainstorming. Remember brainstorming can open many hidden doors of darkness. But here all terms and conditions are positive thinking and positive brainstorming.
If our habits comply with natural and positive behaviour with others then you are right. But if with your bad habits others people are disturb then you are wrong .At this stage maybe your feeling and thinking are not with positive direction. Some experts,wise people and top level scholars suggests that when someone is in unhappy or rude mood then his or her feeling and thinking are not positive but those feeling and thinking are leading through darkness on negative sides nor on positive ways. Positive ways are for those who wish to stand apart from others on successful paths. And remember negative paths always leads to negative side and in darkness directions. How one can make and change impossible things in to possible things? Although this short and ruff quarry is seeming meaning less but with some brainstorming it can revels many hidden door for success and bright future. but how??
Always try to turn impossible in to possible conditions.
One put stones on others ways to drop them on ground remember one day his or her feet can became ugly because of these stones. So please not through edges stones on others ways.
Always think good and through batter brainstorming for others peoples,because others peoples are creatures created by kind God. Forgive someone who try to harm you or in passed harmed you by some way.
Remember all people have not same type of chemistry, same kinds of feeling and thinking,same kinds of likes and dislikes,and same kinds of thinking, Yes there are much difference in feeling, thinking and brainstorming of people. Always try to respect about the feeling and thinking of others people. If you are observing some negative charges in someone, then please try to remove those negative habits from those and always try to free and clean them from those wrong habits.
Think other people will accept your positive views?
Don't tell lies to others in your life. If you are still child think about your future life day ,how one can spend positive life days,but if you are above than a child age then think and observe your society where you are living, how people are marking their lives successful and peaceful. What are the cause why people quarrels with themselves? The points and those points from where enmities appears and why ,where real lovoLovelacee is standing?
All human being came/come in to existences only and only for love,peace and for helping others. Who are others, and who are themselves?
Is there are duties and rights for others? And of what kind? And how one can perform those duties and responsibilities?
Is human life circulate around eat,drink and be marry? No!
There is a purpose of life but what?
One can make his or her life much easier but through what way? Yes with positive and with brainstorming. Remember brainstorming can open many hidden doors of darkness. But here all terms and conditions are positive thinking and positive brainstorming.
If our habits comply with natural and positive behaviour with others then you are right. But if with your bad habits others people are disturb then you are wrong .At this stage maybe your feeling and thinking are not with positive direction. Some experts,wise people and top level scholars suggests that when someone is in unhappy or rude mood then his or her feeling and thinking are not positive but those feeling and thinking are leading through darkness on negative sides nor on positive ways. Positive ways are for those who wish to stand apart from others on successful paths. And remember negative paths always leads to negative side and in darkness directions. How one can make and change impossible things in to possible things? Although this short and ruff quarry is seeming meaning less but with some brainstorming it can revels many hidden door for success and bright future. but how??
Always try to turn impossible in to possible conditions.
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