Mothers are doctors without medical degree
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Mothers are doctors without medical degree

Yes mothers are doctors without some kind of medical degree, why because every mother know all about the nature of a nascent baby. she know what is new,what is wrong and what is happening next with her young creature.A mother know all need,all demands and all requirements of a young baby. Why not?. Because a mother bear more then nine months in her valley and always pray his or her health, his or her luck,his or her long living age and his or her best wishes. A mother known when she become very old this her young baby become real and true support for her old age,provide suitable support for living and cause happiness for her life.Please once again think about the different difficulties of a mother when she is pregnant of early stage,yes during this early stage of pregnancy avoid many different kinds of foods materials and complete many regular course of check up from exports doctors and lady doctors, here her purpose is only one,yes only and only one purpose is "her child born safe,sound and complete healthy.sometimes she woke up whole night and day for the purposeful life of her baby.pleases again think about the difficulties of a mother who bear so hardships for a new commercial that a grown man can only think but not feel all kinds of difficulties. Here the word " difficulties "suggest so many hardships than can bear,thinks and feel only one mother. But here our marine topic is" mothers are doctors of babies without some kind of medical degrees" So here I want to explain in full details of rules,behavior and wishes of mothers with respect to different environments. Although this topic is very vary lengthy and long but I shall try to summaries in some short paragraphs of purposeful and meaningful ways.

Some days ago in a special setting a wise and expert old mother told me that every mother know every thing about her baby weather one is only one day old or near coming in the world, mother know all about him. But once think again about the real love of a mother with her child.Remember it is our common observation of sometimes everyday that when a young boy quarrel with others neighborhood boys or someone others street boys and after this quarreling come back home, mother at once clearly feel and complete understand that the boy quarrel with some other body because mother mind fully understand the nature and psychology of that boy. Some times some mothers at once take clear action and put all matters on trial base. And in this way mother Will be satisfy with the related maters. Because a mother know how to mentally trains a young child. Because young child future life entirely depends upon the training of a mother.
Almighty Allah has gift to a mother with very highly imaginative mind with very highly sensitive brain. Yes when very young and new born baby feels hungry her mother receivers some more suggestion and present her child with nursing and nourishing requirements accordance with needs and requirements of young living creature. Please try to think again about the sleeping needs and requirements of a little ang young child, yes a mother know the complete and entire psychological needs accordance with the increasing age of a young child. Sometimes a mother is very very for off from her child living place but when her baby is ill or sick with some kind of disorders or effective with some chronic disease, mother at once know and feel the panic situations of her child.
It is age of science and what is a science? Always remember "science is the knowledge base upon data derived from observation and experiments" Yes this is try but there are two kinds of sciences one is know as "Medical science" and other science is famous as a" cleanical science "  and owing to these to kinds of sciences revealed many different field of treatment and in this way these two related sciences created miracles for the health of human being and now a days it is possible to diagnosis any kind of illment and also about any kind of sickness. Yes in this aunthnic and certified mode of treatment can cause curable satisfaction for ill people.Once again pause for only a while and compares today treatment methodology with past incurable disses.Yes someone can diagnosis some special type of difference and such kind of difference is only "research process" But remember in golden days when medical and cleanical sciences was not so advance as we all are dealing with then today, mothers also treatmented their childs with suitable and exact home mede remedies. But always remember here again that in those olden days mothers always "brainstorm" on and about the health and about every day natural treatment with home made remedies and those home made remedies was exact cure for new born babies.
May be our beneficial Allah created human females brain in this Way that a mother can detect and exactly detect that real and exact treatment situations, may our greatest beneficial Allah created an "extra sensitive" qualities and quantities and here what about of the qualities?.
May be these sensitive and hidden qualities encircle and measure the ground of nascent and new born babies.please, please try to travel with me only for a while and try to think once again about the so sensitive nature and habits of a mother.A mother who deliver first time a young baby but know all about the requirement and needs of a new born baby, although this question is all about related with the " human psychology and human behavioral sciences " and here our calear,obvious and quality wise is only one and that is "mothers are doctors of their children without some kind of medical or cleanical degrees" and yes this true because every mother knows ,how to deal and treat a young child with the help of "own mother brain". Although all little and young babies are lovely for all human being but especially for a mother new born baby is total world for her.A mother only know the real nature and precious with pious quality. Why not ?. Because mother's love for her child is without any kind of cost or at the risks of worldly prices.
Although here my wish was to write only about mothers as a doctors without some kind of media degree but unfortunately topic and heading spread so wide I try to ignore about the reality of this precious and scared word.So please forgive me and I again turn myself to the real topics as are only and only requirements of above onboard heading. So please be attentive and read these lines with Kean internet and getting some knowledge and information.And may be these information and knowledge can improve some lives in this world.
If you are a first time present lady or delivered some children before studying these line,you must remember some important facts and figures such as " first fear" how to deliver a first child. So please don't worry about these natural process. Only timely management is required such pretest reports,passage out from whom canal and suitable environmental conditions. Remember all these process are natural but suitable management is must .
Here,Now another important question arise before us is that only human females mothers are so wise that they can feel,understand and also brainstorm for her child health but once again think about the birds, animals, insects and others reptiles. Yes all these mothers have another "sense" that's ability is to understand the health conditions of new born. Please try to observe here and there about your surrounding where You are living. Soon you Will come across to understand and observe that birds tweets when come out from birds eggs shell, birds mother at once observe the real health of little and lovely tweets. But,if at this first stage of tweets health mother found and detect some kinds of shortcomings, misdiscrpencies ,mother birds try to provide such kind of foods that's are suitable caureable for little and young tweets.
Although medical and cleanical sciences produced and with the help of new scientific tools and techniques " nascent and very youngs" specialist are prepare every day but those children specialist are not able and effecent the childs mother.Mother is only one who knows batter about her own health others than a child specialist. Yes a mother know batter than a child specialized person what medicines or home made remedies are excellent curable than those medicines as are suggested by a child specialist. Because a child specialist is out sider observer but directly monitors, observe and clearly detect the real behavior of little or young baby.
Some months ago I was visiting a "children specialist" cleanical and medical store.A more than twenty five years old mother enter in the doctor curable cleanical with twenty eight days very young and beautiful baby.Expert child specialist doctor very carefully observe the young beautiful little child, because baby mother was afraid of and she was very worry about her son health because little beautiful baby was weeping very bitterly. Expert children specialist doctor provide urgent treatment to the young baby but mother was not satisfy with the doctor prescribed medical treatment. I observe there the expert child specialist was relax and satisfy but mother was carrying by climbing that urine of my baby is stop from last two hours.
Now expert child specialist was agreed with child mother, so child specialist inject some solution to the young flower. Yes at once child stop carrying and open eyes with joy. So
In my mind dictionary some more words and these precious words are" A mother is a real and natural doctor of her child without some kind of medical and cleanical education and degrees ".
My dear sweet readers try to comments on these line with your own observation.


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