Although I think there is no need to write such types of articles,blog posts,assays, columns and books because there are much more research and study material is available on internet, on books papers, on news papers and on magazines papers. But every one has no such complete access on these facilities. Please try to think on other side about out daily and every day need "Mobile phones" yes a mobile phone is need of every body in this world. Because in these days no body is complete without this facility. And further think about all or partial facility of "Mobile Phone" it is not only for call purpose and for text message purpose but on mobile set one can serf and use internet. So this long article tells you about our life and use of mobile phone. So please pause for sometimes and again about, about the use of mobile phone. Some days ago a little young girl ask me about about difference between "Smart phone and mobile phone" because I used only "GSM Mobile phone" and not I used smart phone in my past life so I told her only about simple mobile phone and I continued research study about mobile phone progress in this age.How this new age invention compels us to sacrifice on some others important and precious inventions such as our wrist watches ,laltains ,radios,sound recorders, cinema houses,envelopes, land lines phone and tourch faculties.
Yes we are using mobile phone set as our good and bad habit.So please use Mobil phone accordance with your choice and with your own aaccord but remember here it uses has positive and negative effects on health, on everyday habits and human psychology.
Yes we are using mobile phone set as our good and bad habit.So please use Mobil phone accordance with your choice and with your own aaccord but remember here it uses has positive and negative effects on health, on everyday habits and human psychology.
In homes little children use Mobil phone set for many purpose. But use of mobile phones for young and little children are not suitable because first it is cause of waisting time.
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