Old age and daily exercise.
Our age and importance of every day exercise.
"Eat well,absorb well".
" Health is Wealth".
Everyday exercise is necessary for every body because our body consume energy and exercise provide energy to our body. Our life completely depends on every eating stuff quality and our digestive system digest the food stuff with very complex process which provides energy to our body for working and proper performing internal automatic functions such as our lungs and our kidneys are functioning properly automatically without our will but if there are shortage of proper consumption of energy to automatic our body organs the body organs functions disperse and our body feel sickness. So our daily food stuff provide sufficient amount of energy to our body and with the help of this energy our body is able to perform different functions of our daily life. Remember without daily exercise such sufficient amount of energy top level can't achieve without proper daily exercise. It is a common saying, " movement is blessing for human body", and if there are " no movement then there is no life dealing ", so important of daily exercise is is obvious from our society. Those people who always complete two to three daily exercise cycle with practice accordance with their health conditions and health situations are active and spend less amount of money on improving health diseases and disorders than those people who are are less active in daily exercise habits.
"Old age and everyday exercise"
It reality " who born can go through the stages of decreasing life days till death", and it is a common riddle "a reality what is that,that at increase decrease with the same ratio is our life" and our life is not increasing but decreasing every day only with some worldly tips and tricks we can improve and increase our life days, from them all there are medicines, exercise, balance food stuff, fresh and clean environment, eating and sleeping habits,our ways of living, our ways of feeling and thinking and in short our economic and financial conditions.
How many systems are functioning in human body?.
There are eleven systems are working in human body. Those all eleven systems coordinate with each other to performing different body functions. Nature provide with invisible source of movement but under our will to control them with energy as are in the form of "balance diet" and " everyday exercise ".
Old age and exercise.
If you are an old person and you are not making well practice of daily exercise then your are not honest and well wisher about your health.
If your are old person and not like to walk and play some kinds of games then you are inactive and your health drop to extent where you spend much amount of money,so please Starr daily exercise and save your sources and resources of income.
If you are old person and wish to enjoy long living of life day ten today start exercise yes in this exercise practice your body systems nourish with sufficient amount of energy, your body blood flow increase and every organ of body receive plenty of fresh sufficient amount of blood and your body consume fresh energy. In this way your body glow with fresh blood.
If you are old person and eating well fresh and balance food stuff but without sufficient working exercise this balance food stuff can't provide energy then start daily exercise even at home such a walking and playing child like games but remember only slow motions can improve your health conditions. Even walking of home side stairs is a little exercise that can increase your body organs functions and improve best for saving your financial sources.
If your are old aged person and your health is weak and you are lying on bed,please leave the bed and start the walking, as walking on the lawn of home, slow walking on road,first you feel tiredness but with daily routine your habits changes and your health demands such kinds of daily walking exercise.
If you are old aged person and you not like to make and take the some light burden of daily exercise then you not decreasing you life days because only exercise can improve you body physically and mentally health.
If you are very old aged person and your five sensitive are not completely coordinating with each other, your hearing power,your,eyesight, your touching status and your smelling flavors are some weak then tody start exercise and make your health so strong as the health of young people.
If you are old aged person and there a a heap of medicines in your room please leave the medicines and adopt yourself for everyday exercise. Soon your health cab be recover if daily exercise is your daily habit.
Your are not old your decisions making power is old,so try to make it gold with daily exercise. Today make a decision to wake up early in the morning and after talking a light bath,after cleaning your teeth,decide about a walking trip,not so long distance but early stage short distance walking is enough and sufficient for changing and improving habits of daily walking exercise.
If you are old aged person but your health is not to weak as you can pick some weight, please try to weight lifting because weight lifting can improve all body organs availability of fresh blood in human body.
If you are above sixty years old age and you health status determine your own thinking then""Running daily exercise"is a golden remedy and self sufficient treatment for your body. Please first run with normal and with tortoise speed,after some days of practice increase you speed of running and improve your running speed daily.
If you daily run a distance of half a mile,stop here your running for some day till one or two weeks and make daily practice of you running. If you running habits continue for some period of time,this can change your health status. Remember running exercise improve blood flowing in human body and every organ of human body flourish with hit and oxygenated blood. In blood there are antibiotics for different disorders and diseases so these antibodies in blood reach where they need and your health improve on every day basics.
If you are very old person and have no strength to waking and running then even at bed you can complete some cycles of exercise. Up and down of your body parts are a very good exercise for some human body organs such legs motions to and for, movement of hands and movement of head.
Yes nothing is superior than health and safe sound health is blessing of God. About health values and health importance ask from sick people because"we as a human being ignore the blessing of health when we are healthy but when our health of our body disturbs us its importance and its value obvious and lights to us", So always try to improve you health with exercise and not with medicines because medicines improve and cure one bad conditions of body organ but increasing some others dangerous side affects, and those side affects can damage others body organs health.
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