Violation of human rights and our Responsibilities.
Why we accept the violation of human rights?
Please open your eyes of mind and think about the violation of human rights.
Denying of the violation of the human being right should be our fundamental right.
Although human being make great progress in every field of life except about the violation of human rights,yes human rights are violating everywhere, why?. There are how many cause and issues why we ignore the "human rights integrity, human rights piousness and human rights prosperity. Everyone think he or she is superior than others. Every one feel proud in mind set and everyone enjoy to ignoring the rights of others people why?,why we are so down to earth? Why we are so weak to close our eyes,close our ears and close our God gifted blessing powers of our five sensitive, yes we watch violation of human rights with our eyes,we hear violation of human rights with our ears and we feel violation of human rights with our five sensitive. May be this is only regular issue at individual level but if you no still believe then observe the weak sensibility of human rights at nation level. Many nations are so sluggish, many nations so dull, many nations so crazy they not like to think about the violation of human being rights,because every nation is bond with financial and economic beneficial treatment with others nations that those nations are violating the Hunan being rights.
Our new papers are full of those news, columns and articles that clearly indicates the events of " human being violation of rights", and every one study those written materials but there are no reactions even at individual level or national level. Everyday news papers describes the husband kill wife or a wife kill a husband. Robbers looted all amount of money from some innocent people during night time while they were returning from laborious work but no body raise a voice against these human rights violations. Yes same is true with law and order maintaining institutions.
Please switch on your TV,may be fist new running about "war escalading between two countries", and during air attacks more the two hundred innocent people killed including young children,young girls and old women. Oh,killing of young people, killing of innocent and old women is not a violation. As a responsible and honest person, are you feel shame on these events,yes always remember it is reality" human life is a unrecoverable", while knowing this reality you are killing innocent people. Are you a responsible person?. Are you a real human being?. Are you feel pain on your own body while such bullets of gun cross your chest,while these built of guns touch your head. Yes "everyone is equal in this world", " there is no superior but all are make from blood and flesh", and remember if you like to feel pains of others,others will feel your pains.
Please purchase a " monthly magazine ", at first of all study the catalogue and preface of purchased magazine it will be clear on you the fist page of magazine starts from " human rights violations " such as from,
"Human rights violation at home level"
"Human rights violation at national level"
"Hunan rights violation at international level"
"Students rights violation at university level"
"Young girls honour violation"
"Minor communities right violation in a very large city by minorities people"
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