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Showing posts from November, 2019

Keywords inserting skill

A pocket without money

If someone want to busy something from a nearby shop,form a market or from a modern Mart, yes at that time his or his mind set concentrate on one thing and Murmurers hears form own around ,but oh,what happen with him or her ,when there are no money in pocket to buy something. Yes a sudden disappointing appears and brain become  mouf. Form where get money to buy something now. The timely plan on the spot vanish and new aurge arise from some hidden parts of mind.

Some writing can change individuals lives

Yes there are some writing that can change complete life,habits and behavior of people, even such kinds of writings changes people feelings, thinking and brainstorming about future life days coming. Yes some writings can affects over the past behavior, change thinking at present levels and make meaningful, significant and positive role model for coming days of life. Pleases pause here for a while and brainstorm about your knowledge, information and act upon on those powerful, effective and meaningful sway of those writings that are/has been written by very high experts, very wise people and very wise scalars. Although those writing come across our from many different sources and resources, yes all those have much importance for everyone person, but in what way?. Please here remember every writer want to write and create someone new things, new ideas, new and important pieces of knowledge and information for guiding others people, for improving others people lives and telling others pe...

Mothers are doctors without medical degree

Yes mothers are doctors without some kind of medical degree, why because every mother know all about the nature of a nascent baby. she know what is new,what is wrong and what is happening next with her young creature.A mother know all need,all demands and all requirements of a young baby. Why not?. Because a mother bear more then nine months in her valley and always pray his or her health, his or her luck,his or her long living age and his or her best wishes. A mother known when she become very old this her young baby become real and true support for her old age,provide suitable support for living and cause happiness for her life.Please once again think about the different difficulties of a mother when she is pregnant of early stage,yes during this early stage of pregnancy avoid many different kinds of foods materials and complete many regular course of check up from exports doctors and lady doctors, here her purpose is only one,yes only and only one purpose is "her child born s...

Terms,conditions and monopoly

porficieswithtruth.blogspot.cQqs1omPolicies and guidelines,terms and conditions are always formulated, implemented and evaluated always in favour of firms or ornanizations . Be causeZ tool level firms and organizations has no arch À in front of them.So those top levels organizations try to elove which kind of policies, terms and conditions that all others persons, related authorities and firms accept all those hasrh and irrevalant policies, terms and conditions. Although when ponoplistc think these terms, conditions and situations are still favourable and realistic to the world environment they again try to change the terms, conditions and regularities weather those are favour are not favourable for audience of the world. Those accept only bleave and think only their policies, terms and conditions are suitable for mapping the world situation. Yes because there are no such competition authority in the world. Please please pause only for some interval and think about the world ...

Some important tips

Although I think there is no need to write such types of articles,blog posts,assays, columns and books because there are much more research and study material is available on internet, on books papers, on news papers and on magazines papers. But every one has no such complete access on these facilities. Please try to think on other side about out daily and every day need "Mobile phones" yes a mobile phone is need of every body in this world. Because in these days no body is complete without this facility. And further think about all or partial facility of "Mobile Phone" it is not only for call purpose and for text message purpose but on mobile set one can serf and use internet. So this long article tells you about our life and use of mobile phone. So please pause for sometimes and again about, about the use of mobile phone. Some days ago a little young girl ask me about about difference between "Smart phone and mobile phone" because I used only "GSM ...

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